Season 6
When the storm touches down...
Special episode: Hurricane Irna hits Springfield: at Cedars Christian is badly injured and dies in Isabelle’s arms; the roof falls on Isabelle and kills her. Hope is killed in a car accident. The Spaulding Mansion is badly damaged. Dinah is stuck at the airport. Carmen and Lujack have a big wedding just as Hurricane Irna hits. Harley loses her baby.
Lujack is badly injured as Carmen dies; someone (Bradley Cole) wakes up in another hospital bed. Alex and Fletcher must decide whether to keep Lujack on life support or not. Alex decides to take him off; when he dies Nick lashes out at Alex. Danny, Michelle, and Tony deal with Carmen’s death. Michelle learns she’s pregnant as Tony dumps Stacy and starts sleeping with models. Pilar goes to Stacy and begs her to fight for Tony. One of the models tells Tony she’s pregnant just as Stacy has come to reconcile with Tony. Tony notices Stacy and apologizes; she tells him she wants to leave. He begs her to stand by his side as he loves her and just lost his mother. Stacy plans the funeral for Carmen which only Danny, Michelle, Tony, Stacy, Jason, & Pilar attend. Stacy does digging and finds out the model was hired to lie about being pregnant. She’s knocked out and kidnapped just as she finds out who hired the model.
Roger decides in order to destroy the Spauldings he needs to make sure he is more powerful. He blackmails Jenna into helping him as he wants to take over Powerhouse Modeling. Jenna blasts him for taking advantage of the Spauldings and the Santos while they are grieving. Roger tells her if she double crosses him he will show Buzz the sex tape they made around Cooper’s conception. Jenna slaps Roger stating Cooper is Buzz’s; she sneaks to Cooper’s house, gets hair from him, gets DNA from Buzz, and has the DNA tested. She gets the results just as Buzz comes in.
Mindy starts having nightmares of a little girl being touched. She wakes up screaming, and Nick tries to comfort her. She pushes him away and goes to see Maureen. She and Maureen realize she was molested as a child. She refuses to name whom the man was. Mindy nearly faints when Alfred Randall shows up at Billy’s bedside, an old associate. Mindy attacks him and blurts out that he raped her as a kid. Nick punches Alfred, but is arrested. Mindy goes to the police station and tries getting Nick out; she leaves. In his hotel room Alfred is shot and dies.
Alan is beside himself with grief. Alex holds a benefit concert for survivors of the hurricane when all the hotels are full and the family is forced to stay at Company. Nola is hospitable. Philip and Beth try consoling Alan. Ed and Maureen reach out to Alan; Alan finds Michael “Mike” Bauer to tell him the news of Hope’s death. Mike dies of a broken heart. The town attends Hope’s funeral. Alan-Michael is hit the hardest; Dinah supports him. At her grave Alan tells Hope she was the love of his life. Alex confronts Annie about her being wrong for Alan. Annie tells Alex she is the best thing for Alan. Alex goes to Philip, Beth, Amanda, Alan-Michael, and Felicia to ask for help with Alan. Alan shows up with Annie and feels they are going behind his back. Philip tries calming Alan down, but Alan tells him he wants nothing to do with any of them. Annie goads Alan into shutting out his family. Felicia stops Alan as he admits he doesn’t want to be alone after Hope died and having someone as beautiful as Annie love him...he’s thinking about retiring from Spaulding Enterprises. Shocked Annie tells Alan not to think so far ahead. Alan tells Annie he wants to have a baby with her and marry her. Annie is taken aback; he tells her to go get dressed and he will meet her at Country Club later with a special surprise for her. Excited Annie commissions Mindy to make her a gown; Mindy reluctantly does. Annie decides to invite the entire town. Alex goes to Alan telling him he cannot propose to Annie. Alan tells her he will do what is necessary for his family. At Country Club Alan thanks the town for coming and toasts Annie for being the person he met after Hope died because she caused Hope’s accident. Confused Alan states he has the file from Alex and not only is Annie Dutton not her name it’s Teri DeMarco from Oakdale IL, Kelly Andrews from Genoa City, WI, and Celeste DiNapoli from Santa Barbara, CA. She’s a black widow that preys on rich men, marries them, gets their wills changed, and suddenly they die leaving her everything. He nods at Frank stating he is too smart for her. Annie goes beserk telling him she can’t be locked up; Alan tells her to enjoy prison. She says “I’m pregnant.” She reveals her belly she’s been hiding. “With not just your baby, but with Josh’s too.” Reva grabs Annie and leaves.
CJ and Christina are beside themselves; CJ wants to give Billy Christian’s heart, but Remy says no as he never got to know him. Vanessa goes to Remy to convince him; Remy finally relents. Billy begins to make a recovery at home with Vanessa. Remy, Charles, Felicia, Rick, Mel, Leah, and Bill are there for CJ & Christina. Felicia tells her it’s okay to grieve them. Mel and Christina bond as sisters finally. CJ starts withdrawing from Ben; Christina and Remy move into Christian & Isabelle’s home. Christina decides to become an Ob/GYN; Remy becomes an Oncologist. CJ begins drinking. Christina hosts an intervention for CJ and invites Ben. Ben stays with CJ through his rehab. Once completed CJ becomes a Pediatrician.
Harley and Mallet go to see Christina. Harley tells her she’s been working with Isabelle to get pregnant, but Christina tells her she’s taken over Isabelle’s caseload. She tells Harley and Mallet after much testing Harley cannot carry a baby to term, but could get a surrogate to carry Harley’s fertilized eggs. She is beside herself with grief. Christina helps them research surrogacy and realize how expensive it is. Harley and Mallet go to Buzz for financial help; Daisy overhears. Daisy tells Harley she will carry their baby for free. Harley tells her no, but Daisy insists. Daisy goes in for testing and is a perfect candidate. Daisy becomes the surrogate without telling Rafe. Eleni catches Marina taking birth control and confronts Marina who says she doesn’t want kids; while AJ tells Frank he can’t wait to have kids. Eleni tells Marina Alan-Michael did the opposite to her and she wants Marina to be honest with AJ; Marina tells Eleni if she tells AJ Marina will never forgive Eleni. Eleni tells Frank, who tells her not to say anything. Frank then confronts Marina; Marina realizes she has to be honest with AJ. She gets into a car accident just as she’s about to go tell AJ.
Leah and Bill catch Lizzie breastfeeding the baby. Lizzie admits the baby is hers and Shayne’s. Bill kicks Lizzie out as she plans to sue for custody. She talks to Shayne; they elope to appear like a family unit to the court. Billy & Vanessa argue with Josh & Reva over whom should have the baby. The courts decide to give custody to: Shayne & Lizzie. Leah and Bill say goodbye to their daughter. Leah blames Bill for not fighting hard enough; she apologizes and tells Bill this is her fault because she can’t have his kids. They talk to Christina about a uterus transplant. Leah wants to move forward, but Bill doesn’t want to as having just seen his dad go through his heart transplant surgery he’s unsure. Behind his back Leah gets tested, Isabelle’s uterus is a rare match as she could still have beared children since she hadn’t gone through menopause yet. Behind Lizzies’ back, Shayne allows Leah to see Lucy. During the visit she tells him about her uterus transplant. He tells her she could have had kids with him. Dinah sees and confronts Leah; Leah tells Dinah she wants to be a mom. Dinah supports Leah’s decision for the uterus transplant. Dinah accompanies Leah to Christina’s office to sign papers to get Isabelle’s uterus when Bill walks in. At Trends, Vanessa lets Marah style a photo shoot with Beyonce. Marah does an excellent job.
Shayne and Lizzie realize it takes a lot of work and patience to have their daughter. Beth realizes Lizzie and Shayne only married for their daughter: Shayne is more hands-on and salt of the earth; while Lizzie has hired a nanny. Philip tells Lizzie she can finally gains access to her trust fund; she blasts Beth for trying to hide the truth from her. Shayne asks her if they are meant to raise their daughter together; Lizzie tells him she does love him and wants to make things work. Lizzie brings their daughter to Alan to help cheer him up.
Mel, Eleni, and Blake help Harley with her depression after her miscarriage when Mallet can’t. The foursome take a girls’ trip to Vegas for the weekend.
Jonathan Marler shows up in town. He meets up with Justin and Trish letting them know not to announce his arrival. Trish scolds him for not being here for Reva’s awakening, Billy’s surgery, Billy and Dinah’s weddings. Jonathan admits he can’t face the family after what he did. He flashes back to meeting Leah at a club in Boston, falling in love with her, and then beating her up when she came out as transgender to him. He is embarrassed how he reacted. Trish tells him Leah should’ve been honest; Justin tells them both that is no reason to put hands on someone and scolds Jonathan for hitting a woman. Jonathan begs for them to help him get Leah alone to apologize to her. Justin says no and goes upstairs to bed; Trish tells him she is close with Alan-Michael. Jonathan goes to see Alan-Michael. He asks for his help with Leah explaining who he is. Alan-Michael punches Jonathan stating it was him he turned her to turning tricks; Jonathan is shocked and unaware that’s what happened. He begs for a chance to apologize to Leah; Alan-Michael says no and tells him to get the hell out of Springfield or he will expose Jonathan to the media as a transphobic abuser. Jonathan tells Alan-Michael he needs to say goodbye to his parents one last time before he leaves. As Jonathan leaves Alan-Michael calls Leah.
Daisy and Pilar both find out they are pregnant by Rafe and Jason respectively. Daisy tells Rafe; Pilar goes to get an abortion alone. Daisy and Rafe begin planning for their future as Daisy finds out she’s carrying twins (one hers & Rafe’s and one Harley & Mallet’s); Pilar starts avoiding Jason, when he finds out she had an abortion without his knowledge he breaks up with her.